Facing Race: A National Conference in St. Louis, MO — November 20-22, 2024

2012 Conference Sessions

Session Date & Time Speaker(s) Type Track
ARC's 30th Anniversary Party Thursday, 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm Social Event
Now What? Debriefing the Election and Talking Governance Friday, 9:00 am to 11:00 am Judith Browne Dianis, Jacqueline Johnson Pata, Kai Wright Plenary Session Research and Policy
Changing the Conversation on Race Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Rinku Sen, MS, Maya Wiley, Tim Wise, Milly Hawk Daniel Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
From Brooklyn to Baltimore: the Fight for Fair Development Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Rachel Falcone, Luis Larin, Michael Premo, Lucas Shapiro Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Innovations in Organizing in Communities of Color Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Francis Calpotura, Kohl Gill, Ana Perez Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Entrepreneurship and Racial Justice Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Jessica Gordon Nembhard, Hon. Chris Rabb, Andy Shallal Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Structural Racism 101: Critical Concepts for Getting to Racial Justice Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Race & Class: Why an Intersectional Approach is Critical in Undoing Structural Racism Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Mijo Lee, Nitika Raj Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Race Flicks - Middle of Nowhere Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
The Roots of Racism: Say What? Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Sheila K Collins, Soyinka Rahim Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Race and Masculinity: Perils, Pride and Pushing the Boundaries of Perception Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Jack DeJesus, Jamila Brown, Bayet Ross Smith Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Can You Hear Me Now? How Activists and Artists are Rebuilding the Media Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Josh Begley, Amalia Deloney, Adriel Luis Plenary Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Shattered Families: Racial Justice and Prospects for Systemic Change Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Jovonna Frieson, Yvonne Gilchrist, Seth Wessler Breakout Session Research and Policy
No Justice, No Peas: Good Food, Good Jobs Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Saru Jayaraman, Navina Khanna, Suguet Lopez, Diana Robinson Breakout Session Research and Policy
Facing Race on Xenophobic Hate Crimes Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Deepa Iyer, Linda Sarsour, Rajdeep Singh Breakout Session Research and Policy
The Colorline and Campus Admissions: the Past, Present and Uncertain Future of Affirmative Action Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Wade Henderson, Victor Goode Breakout Session Research and Policy
Defending Democracy: How to Fight Off Voter ID, Purges and Other Attacks Friday, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Katherine Culliton-Gonzalez, Arisha Hatch, Richard Kim Breakout Session Research and Policy
Making Connections/Open Space Luncheon Friday, 1:00 pm to 3:15 pm Social Event
Systems Change: Inside and Outside Strategies Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Nashira Baril, Glenn Harris, Nicole Porter Breakout Session Research and Policy
Advancing Health Equity Using Health Impact Assessment, Community Organizing and Advocacy Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Lili Farhang, Alexi Freeman, Ruth Lindberg Breakout Session Research and Policy
Energy Democracy for All Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Shannon Bade, Anthony Giancatarino, Emily Kirsch Breakout Session Research and Policy
Consumer Based Strategies for Advancing Racial Justice Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Lisa Castellanos, Tracy Van Slyke, Jamal Watkins Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
DREAMers and Freedom Riders: Racial Justice Across Generations Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Sam Fulwood III, Loan Tran, Moses Newson, Lenora Taitt-Magubane Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Organizing Racial Justice Philanthropy Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Dennis Quirin, Lisa Ranghelli, Lori Villarosa Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Racial Profiling: Every Which Way But Loose Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Linda Sarsour, Kung Li Kung, Jose Lopez, Sian O'Faolain Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Raising Funds for Racial Justice Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Saru Jayaraman, Marjorie Fine Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Internalizing Racial Equity Institutionally Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Gita Gulati-Partee, Maggie Potapchuk Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
National Student Bill of Rights Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Niqua Douglas, Magda Phillips, Lester Spence Breakout Session Research and Policy
Talking About Race: Racial Justice Through Media, Collaboration and Community Conversation Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Robert Gray, Lisa Abbott Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Addressing Racism Using Theater of the Oppressed Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm S. Leigh Thompson Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
From the Trenches: Stories on Race, Dating and Love Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Samhita Mukhopadhyay, Deanna Zandt, Jamia Wilson Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
We Wear the MassQ: One Artist's Dis-covery of Face, Race and Ritual in a Digital Age Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Daniel Callahan Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Race Flicks 2- Harvest of Empire Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Keynote Event: Junot Diaz Friday, 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm Junot Díaz, Rinku Sen, MS Keynote
Junot Diaz Book Signing Friday, 9:15 pm to 10:15 pm Social Event
Race in Yo Face Masquerade Party Friday, 9:30 pm to Saturday, 1:00 am Social Event
Welcoming Remarks Saturday, 8:00 am to 8:45 am Rinku Sen, MS Plenary Session
Race and Gender in the 21st Century Saturday, 8:45 am to 10:45 am Janet Mock, Michael Omi, Jessica González-Rojas Plenary Session
Better Together: Bridging LGBTQ Rights & Racial Justice Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm paulina helm-hernandez, Aisha Moodie-Mills, Robert Espinoza, CJ Frosch Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Cross Racial Alliance Building for Social Justice and Immigrant Rights Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Abraham Paulos, Opal Tometi, Erika Almiron, Gustavo Andrade Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Building a 21st Century Labor Movement Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Dorian Warren, Kim Fellner, Ai-jen Poo, Saket Soni, James Thindwa Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
SURJ: Strategies for Engaging White People in Racial Justice Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Dara Silverman, Carla Wallace, Dottye Burt-Markowitz Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing: Sexual Health as Wedge Issues in Communities of Color and Among Young People Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Pamela Merritt, Aimee Thorne-Thomsen, Miriam Yeung Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Like Racism, But Funnier: Social Change Through Internet Jokes Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm W. Kamau Bell, Negin Farsad, Samhita Mukhopadhyay Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Tell Your Story, Move Your Campaign Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Doyle Canning, Babatunde Salaam, Neomara Serges Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Race Flicks 3- New Lens, Youth Produced Films Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Toward a Multiracial Anti-Death Penalty Movement Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Sandra Jones, Lawrence G. Hayes, Barbara Lewis Breakout Session Research and Policy
Where is the Color in Occupy? Race, Class and Gender in the Occupy Movement Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Kate Khatib, Christine Schweidler, María Poblet, Janée Woods Weber Breakout Session Research and Policy
Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Tekoah Flory, Laura Lemus, Scott Roberts Breakout Session Research and Policy
Launching Proactive Policy Agendas for Racial Equity Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Vina Kay, Jermaine Toney, Alheli M. Herrera Breakout Session Research and Policy
Caring Across Generations: Organizing Across Lines of Race, Class, Generation, Ability, Language and Communities Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Jessica Brill Ortiz, Sarita Gupta, Trishala Deb Breakout Session Research and Policy
New Rules: Organizing to End the Push-out Crisis with Solutions Not Suspensions Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Maisie Chin, Tina Dove Breakout Session Research and Policy
Using Social Media to Connect Communities and Make an Impact--and Measure It! Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Deanna Zandt Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Making Connections/Open Space Luncheon Saturday, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm Social Event
Make Them Pay: Ways to Hold Insurance Companies Accountable to Addressing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Danisha Christian, Jill Reese, Ron Williams Breakout Session Research and Policy
What's the Future of College for Students of Color Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Tiffany Loftin, Tressie McMillan Cottom Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
From Colorblindness to Equity-Mindedness: Breaking Through Bias to Build Racial Justice Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
How to Talk About Race in the Classroom Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm J'nelle Bobb-Semple, Jaime-Jin Lewis Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Girl/Future: Youth Activism and Ending Gendered Violence Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Teana Gamill, Sangeetha Ravichandran, Larrinita Starks Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Words Matter: Organizing Against Bully Language Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Lamont Carey, Tiffani Sykhammountry, Jennifer Pozner Breakout Session Organizing and Advocacy
Campaign Weaving and Movement Building: Challenging the Incarceration Nation through Creative Action Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Cherrell Brown, Steven Renderos, Silky Shah, Zachary Norris Breakout Session Research and Policy
Reproductive Rights at the Intersection of Class, Race and Immigration Status Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Jessica González-Rojas, Marielena Hincapie, Miriam Yeung Breakout Session Research and Policy
The Faces of Development: Moving from Racial and Class Inequity Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Lea Keal, Marisela Gomez, Lester Spence Breakout Session Research and Policy
Criminalizing Youth in Baltimore: Race, Class and Gender in Public Space Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Bakari Jones, Diamond Sampson Breakout Session Research and Policy
Race Flicks 4- Wildness Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
What's Faith Got To Do With It? Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Storytelling for Racial Justice Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Rinku Sen, MS, john powell Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
No Budget? No Problem! 2013's New Tools For Creating Content and Telling Your Story Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Will Coley, Franchesca Ramsey Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Art & Agitation: On the Power of Cultural Strategy Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm Favianna Rodriguez, Julio Salgado, Jose Antonio Vargas, Kalima Young Breakout Session Arts, Culture, and Media
Welcoming Remarks Saturday, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Rinku Sen, MS Plenary Session
Culture Trumps Politics: Or Does It? Saturday, 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm Jeff Chang, Lolis Eric Elie, Negin Farsad, Rinku Sen, MS, Jose Antonio Vargas Plenary Session
Closing Performance Saturday, 5:30 pm to 5:45 pm Social Event