Lisa Castellanos
Senior Organizer |
Transnational Institute for Grassroots Research and Action
Lisa has over 15 years of experience working in and with social justice organizations on issues affecting immigrants families and youth, and other low-income communities. Currently, Lisa works on TIGRA economic and consumer justice organizing initiatives and programs.
Presentations from Facing Race 2012
Consumer Based Strategies for Advancing Racial Justice
The use of consumer boycotts and providing alternatives (?buy-cotts?) are signature strategies of racial justice projects of the past. This workshop will highlight current campaigns and initiatives that employ these strategies in advancing racial justice in the present. How are these current-day examples similar to and/or improve upon the strategies of the past? The workshop will tease out lessons from these initiatives and how they can instructive in crafting racial justice strategies in the age of globalization.
Speakers: Lisa Castellanos, Tracy Van Slyke, Jamal Watkins