Gary Delgado
Gary Delgado is the founder of People Living with Aphasia Network. He also founded the Applied Research Center, which became Race Forward, and the Center for Third World Organizing. He is a published author and nationally recognized organizer, researcher, and activist on race and social justice issues. Gary has been living with aphasia since his stroke in 2019.
Presentations from Facing Race 2024
Organizing for Healthcare Equity and Access by Impacted Communities of Color
Too often, people of color face bias and barriers when trying to access vital healthcare services. Racial disparities in the healthcare sector are deep and persistent, reflecting systemic inequities. Individuals are often blamed for their own health outcomes and burdened with navigating a complex and unjust healthcare system. How can communities most impacted by healthcare disparities (especially people of color and low-income communities) organize and advocate for the services they need and deserve? This session will provide the space to explore different community organizing approaches that: explicitly addresses racial systemic inequities people face when seeking vital quality healthcare; centers the leadership needs of directly-impacted people of color and marginalized communities, and, focuses on building grassroots collective power to challenge and transform existing health care institutions and policies in order to make them more accessible, affordable, and equitable. We'll explore grassroots organizing initiatives in the healthcare sector and invite participants to share experiences, strategies, and insights.
Speakers: Terrence Keleher, Gary Delgado, Lisa Castellanos