Facing Race: A National Conference in St. Louis, MO — November 20-22, 2024

Kai Wright

Editor-at-Large | Race Forward

Kai Wright, lead editor for "Life Cycles of Inequity" and Colorlines editor-at-large.

Presentations from Facing Race 2014

Life Cycles of Inequity: A Colorlines Series on Black Men

After months of reporting on the killings of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Dunn, Colorlines realized we in the news media need to focus as closely on the lives of black men as we do their deaths. So throughout 2014, we published an ambitious series of investigations, dispatches, infographics and multimedia stories exploring the ways in which inequity shapes black male lives. In this workshop, we will screen a selection of short films from the series, evaluate the mainstream news media's coverage of black men and explore strategies for making us all do better.

Speakers: Kai Wright, André Robert Lee

Presentations from Facing Race 2012

Now What? Debriefing the Election and Talking Governance

This session features political luminaries reflecting on lessons from the 2012 and the agenda we need to set for policymakers in the coming years. Includes racial dimensions of electoral turnout, voting rights, the economy, immigration and more.

Speakers: Judith Browne Dianis, Jacqueline Johnson Pata, Kai Wright