Facing Race: A National Conference in St. Louis, MO — November 20-22, 2024

Nicole Davis

Licensed Clinical Social Worker | Nicole Davis, LCSW

Nicole Davis is a clinical social worker in private practice in NYC and a clinical associate with the Gender and Family Project. Previously, Nicole was the social worker at the Heath Outreach to Teens program at the Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, as well as Lead Organizer with Californians for Justice, the Development and Communications Director at the Center for Third World Organizing, and a Senior Program Associate at Race Forward. Nicole has an MFA in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College and an MSW from Hunter College.

Presentations from Facing Race 2016

Breaking the Cycle of Racial Trauma

The path toward healing from trauma is never linear, even less so when the trauma is the result of the systemic effects of racism and associated violence.Communities of color have historically faced the challenge of healing from racial trauma while working to transform the conditions that feed and create trauma. Using contemporary examples of violence in communities of color, and grounded in a historical context, this panel will explore both experiences with racial trauma and community solutions for moving through the trauma to a place of healing.

Speakers: Jerry Tello, Puni Kalra, Malcolm Shanks, Nicole Davis