Facing Race: A National Conference in St. Louis, MO — November 20-22, 2024

Hany Khalil


Hany Khalil has been an organizer in the racial justice, labor, and peace movements for nearly twenty years. For the last seven years he has taught high school social studies classes in Houston, TX, where he co-founded Community Voices for Public Education and is a member of the Executive Council of the Houston Federation of Teachers.




Presentations from Facing Race 2014

The Need for a Racial Justice Intervention in Education Reform

This panel of teachers, advocates and education experts will examine the history of the achievement gap. In particular the workshop will cover how it's been used as a justification for privatized school reform efforts and wedging big divisions between communities of color and traditionally liberal education advocates (eg unions, teachers, etc.).

Speakers: Chela Delgado, Judith Browne Dianis, Hany Khalil, Julianne Hing