Gloria Negrete-Lopez

Gloria Negrete-Lopez is a Doctoral Candidate in Gender and Women’s Studies with a Minor in Mexican-American Studies at the University of Arizona. Her developing dissertation focuses on the role of abolitionist cultural work in disrupting narratives of (im)migrant criminality. Her research interests include: Chican@/Latin@ Studies, Cultural Studies, Migration Studies, Prison Abolition, and Women of Color Feminisms. She earned an M.A. in Women and Gender Studies at San Francisco State University (SFSU), has a B.A. in Gender Studies with a minor in Labor and Workplace Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and an A.A. in Liberal Arts from Fullerton College.
Presentations from Facing Race 2020
#KeepAleFree: A Reproductive Justice Story
Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at the #KeepAleFree campaign, a national effort to build pathways of protection from deportation for reproductive justice organizer Alejandra Pablos. Team members Gloria, Yvette, Ale & Castro will dive through the campaign's intersectional organizing work (legal, communications & ground organizing) and how they use cultural digital organizing to creatively disrupt the mainstream portrayals around immigration, criminalization, and reproductive justice. The team engages in this work through a perspective that is dedicated to dismantling prison, detention centers, and governmental agencies.
Speakers: Stephanie Castro, Alejandra Pablos, Gloria Negrete-Lopez