Facing Race: A National Conference in St. Louis, MO — November 20-22, 2024

Arturo Carmona


Arturo Carmona is the Executive Director of Presente.org, a national organization that exists to amplify the political voice of Latino communities. As the largest national Latino online organization, Presente.org provides ways for members to take action on the issues they care about by serving as a centralized organizing hub for issues impacting Latinos, with a focus on online activation.  Before he joined Presente, he was the founding Executive Director of the Consejo de Federaciones Mexicanas en Norteamérica (COFEM). Before that, he worked for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF).

Presentations from Facing Race 2014

Internet Freedom, Racism, and Civil Rights in the 21st Century

Imagine you wanted to use the Internet to organize against police brutality or protest an immigration raid but Verizon or Comcast blocked your website or other online tools you need. How would this impact your struggle for racial and social justice?
Unfortunately, this is real possibility, not a far-off scenario. Internet services providers can now block, censor, interfere and discriminate against Internet Web traffic following a federal court ruling earlier this year that struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s Network Neutrality rules.

During this session, activists will take part in breakout discussions to come up with strategizes to protect an open Internet.

Speakers: Samala, Arturo Carmona, Brandi Collins-Dexter, Jessica Gonzalez, Joe Torres