Alicia Garza

Presentations from Facing Race 2016
Multiracial Movements for Black Lives
It has been more than three years since #BlackLivesMatter became a rallying cry for a movement. While centering black communities and resistance, #BlackLivesMatter galvanized not only black organizers, it challenged people of all races to consider, "Whose side are you on?" Despite reactionary claims of divisiveness, communities of many races replied, "We're on the FREEDOM side!" Representatives from #AsiansforBlackLives and Familia, among others, will discuss struggles actions, challenges and opportunities from the multiracial movements that have emerged.
Michelle Alexander
Alicia Garza
Founder of #BlackLivesMatter
Zon Moua, Freedom, Inc.
Judith LeBlanc, Native Organizers Alliance
Isa Noyola, Transgender Law Center
Chris Crass, Author, Educator, Parent
Speakers: Michelle Alexander, Alicia Garza, Zon Moua, Judith LeBlanc, Isa Noyola, Chris Crass
Presentations from Facing Race 2014
Breaking Down the Racial Divide at Work: Tools and Stories that Inspire Action
In an era of job uncertainty, cut hours, and diminishing wages and benefits, it is increasingly important to have a unified social justice labor movement to combat racial and gender discrimination. This session will unveil Race Forward’s interactive visual and web-based tool that unifies frames and messaging on occupational segregation by race and gender, in collaboration with the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC), National Domestic Worker’s Alliance (NDWA) and Retail Action Project (RAP). ROC will also unveil their newest mobile app.
Speakers: Julia Sebastian, Jillian Medeiros, Ai-jen Poo, Ariel Jacobson, Sasha Hammad, Alicia Garza