Andres A Portela
A first-generation student-athlete who graduated from the University of Arizona. Since graduating from the University of Arizona, he has been a Ted speaker, an Emerging Leader in Fair Housing, a Black Futures Lab Policy Fellow, and a Monzon Institute Policy Fellow. Most recently, Andres was a Senior Policy Advisor with the City of Tucson and left to run for City Council. After losing his election, he began working as the lead Pima County organizer with Mass Liberation His hobbies include traveling, Urban Planning, Health Equity, and jumping out of planes.
Presentations from Facing Race 2022
Mass Liberation AZ presents: The Importance of Black Political Solidarity; Not just a hashtag but a political framework for the Future
Mass Liberation AZ presents “The Importance of Black Political Solidarity in AZ; Not just a hashtag but a political framework”. Through our workshop, participants will discuss the impact of and importance of Black political solidarity, analyze systems of power and how they affect Black movement organizing, and principled struggle in building a framework centered on Black solidarity. Participants will gain a better understanding of systems analysis from a Black political framework; Applying what they learned from the break-out exercise, participants will provide to Race Forward, a co-created assessment by attendees and set of recommendations to help on their journey to achieving Black political solidarity in Arizona.
Speakers: Andres A Portela