Tshaka Barrows

Presentations from Facing Race 2024
Reimagining Youth Justice in Los Angeles: Materializing New Well-Being Structures
Today in Los Angeles, a group of committed people—organizers, justice system stakeholders, young people, and everyday folk—are working to shrink and eliminate Los Angeles County’s Youth Probation Department, the nation’s largest. This is a massive undertaking with seismic impact on the human services landscape and service to communities.
This group includes staff and leadership from the newly established Department of Youth Development. The presentation will share perspectives and experiences, challenges, and successes as they move from justice administered by punitive, inefficient bureaucracies to values-driven institutions steeped in supporting the well-being of young people.
The Los Angeles experience is an important story to tell for anyone trying to achieve system transformation. From the organizing that led to the initial political mandate imposed by the five-person county Board of Supervisors that started the shift, to the challenge of standing up a new Department of Youth Development.
Attendees of this session will learn about the key components necessary to move large systems for application in their own local experience.
Speakers: Tshaka Barrows, David Carroll, Raquel Mariscal