Tawana Petty
Tawana "Honeycomb" Petty is a mother, social justice organizer, youth advocate, poet and author. She is the Director of Petty Propolis, where she grows through organizing transformative art and education initiatives. She is a founding member of Riverwise Magazine, Data Justice Coordinator for the Detroit Community Technology Project, a member of the Detroit Digital Justice Coalition, a Detroit Equity Action Lab fellow and a board member of the James and Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership. Visit honeycombthepoet.org.
Presentations from Facing Race 2018
Beyond Allies: Antiracism, Visionary Organizing, and Co-Liberation
By collectively mapping the emergence of systemic racism, this session will explore the different ways that racism stunts the humanity of all people and challenge participants to engage with the limitations of ally and privilege based antiracist organizing. We will explore what it means to see ourselves engaged in a struggle for co-liberation and explore how visionary organizing can provide strategies to guide that struggle. To deepen this exploration, participants will be introduced to two strategic/theoretical frames for movement building: what it means for the anti-racist struggle to move beyond ally-ship toward co-liberation; and the concept of visionary organizing, which addresses the current ecological, economic, and political crises through a praxis grounded in people and communities developing the skills and processes needed to envision and to create a new more humane system.
Speakers: Matthew Birkhold, Tawana PettyMass Freedom Presents: FRED Talks
FRED Talks (Facing Race, Elevating Democracy) are videos produced at local events where activists and leaders share their stories and effective strategies for change. The stories and lived experiences of those most impacted by Mass Criminalization and Immigration are the foundations from which we weave our Movements. In order to shift narratives and break down systems of oppression we must amplify the voices of those who are leading the work.
FRED talks serve as a platform, a political education tool and a point of unapologetic connection. We are called to lean in, listen, teach and learn from the legacies of those who have innovated and upheld our Movements while creating a path for the change makers still to come.
Speakers: Roksana Mun, Marlon Peterson, Tawana Petty, Candi Brings Plenty, Ahya Simone, Kiera Dixson, Isa Noyola, Mama Rhonda Anderson