Facing Race: A National Conference in St. Louis, MO — November 20-22, 2024

Sarita Turner

Senior Associate | PolicyLink

Sarita Turner, has over twenty years of experience working in the non-profit sector bringing attention and resources to causes that address the impacts of institutionalized racism and the disinvestment of people and neighborhoods. Sarita has worked in various organizational types and positions including: direct services, policy advocacy, community organizing and development, and philanthropy. Under Sarita’s leadership, significant infrastructure investments, business improvement district pilots, arts in community development and resident/law enforcement partnerships have effectively been brought to disinvested neighborhoods and communities. Now living in Oakland, CA, Sarita serves in the role of Senior Associate at PolicyLink, a national, equity-focused, research and policy advocacy organization. In her role with PolicyLink, Sarita works on the development and implementation of equity-focused national and local policies in partnership with the constituents of the Sustainable Communities Initiative and other federal and local projects. Sarita personality type is that of a spirited explorer! She love the outdoors and since relocating to California has added hiking, golf and white-water rafting to the list of things she loves doing.

Presentations from Facing Race 2014

Innovations in Housing Equity for Communities of Color

Housing remains a critical opportunity structure for families and communities. The session will focus on national and local innovations to support housing equity for communities of color. Speakers will discuss HUD’s Fair Housing Equity Assessment, which was piloted for sustainable communities’ initiative grantees across the nation, and discuss the proposed Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule to be implemented by the Obama Administration. Panelists will also speak to the importance of assuring access to housing finance and look at local models to support equitable home ownership. The session will include facilitated discussion, video and audience engagement

Speakers: Jason Reece, Sarita Turner, LaShawn M. Hoffman