Nathaniel Smith
Founder and Chief Equity Officer |
Partnership for Southern Equity
Nathaniel Smith is Founder and Chief Equity Officer of a multi-sectored, racial and generational ecosystem of regional stakeholders called the Partnership for Southern Equity. PSE pushes for policies and actions that promote equity and inclusive prosperity in metropolitan Atlanta and beyond. Nathaniel's vision and leadership has guided the creation of this emerging force for a "New Southern Strategy" (and outcomes) for shared prosperity in the American South.
Presentations from Facing Race 2016
Building Community and Civic Power for Equitable Development
This workshop will focus on strategies for addressing racial equity in community development to address issues such as displacement and gentrification in communities of color with an emphasis on building power for systemic influence. Presenters include Dawn Phillips, Program Co-Director at Causa Justa :: Just Cause in Oakland, and Nathaniel Smith, Founder and Chief Equity Officer at the Partnership for Southern Equity. The moderator is Dwayne S. Marsh of the Government Alliance on Race and Equity.
Speakers: Dawn Phillips, Nathaniel Smith, Dwayne Marsh