Jimina Afuola
As a first generation college student and community college transfer, Jimina Afuola found her purpose in service to her community. In her previous roles, she has served in academic spaces as a Project Coordinator for an ANNAPISI program PRISE and also in policy, as a Senate Consultant at the CA AAPI Legislative Caucus. Currently, Jimina serves as the Advocacy Coordinator for Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC) where she is able to share insights on how current laws and legislation will impact the NHPI community at the state level in Sacramento. Outside of her roles, Jimina’s
most favorite is being a mother to her 3 month old son
Presentations from Facing Race 2022
Freedom Building
The Mass Freedom: Freedom Building Cohort is a year-long movement-building opportunity for organizers and activists committed to creating intersectional liberation, collective healing, and abolitionist futures. The session will be a lively interactive co-facilitated discussion about abolition and the intersections of our movements. The co-facilitators will be cohort members themselves representing grassroots movement across the country.
In this session Mass Freedom invites attendees to think of what future is possible when we dream together? What change is possible when we strategize together? We want to generate, pose, and refine the questions that get us to abolition; We’ll engage participants in information gathering, perspectives, and approaches to intersectional liberation; and lastly we want to create something together that begins to design this liberatory future.
Speakers: Nicole Laport, Jimina Afuola