Facing Race: A National Conference in St. Louis, MO — November 20-22, 2024

Christopher Wilson

1st Vice-President, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists and Director, Regional Offices Branch, Public Service Alliance of Canada | Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
Pronouns: He/Him

Christopher Wilson (he/him) is the 1st Vice-President of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Ontario Canada Chapter. Christopher is a community and labour activist with over 20 years experience advocating for workers within their workplaces, Unions and communities. Christopher is co-investigator in the Green is Not White Research project that has engaged over 3,000 labour and community activists in participatory workshops to confront Environmental Racism.

Presentations from Facing Race 2022

Green Is Not White Workshop

This project, titled Green Is Not White, was designed to explore the impact of climate change on Indigenous and racialized communities in Canada through a collaboration between the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists and the Adapting Canadian Work and Workplaces York University Research Grant. The Green Is Not White workshop examines environmental racism in the context of socio-economic inequalities and access to green jobs for racialized and Indigenous communities and asks participants to consider environmental racism in their own communities and Canada (through examining case studies) to consider the position of their communities in present and future contexts through inclusion in the green economy and to consider taking action. The workshop looks at diverse solutions, such as strategic creativity (e.g., popular education) as a way to realize an inclusive just transition, and considers how individuals can become active in this movement for the betterment of their own communities.

By the end of the workshop participants should be able to describe the term "environmental racism" and identify instances and impacts in racialized and Indigenous communities; understand the connections between environmental racism and the workplace, including who does and does not benefit, and the many ways that racialized and Indigenous activists can take leadership roles to combat inequality; and be able to identify tools, resources, and actions to challenge the inequities faced by racialized and Indigenous communities in the Green Jobs Revolution.

Speakers: Christopher Wilson, Jawara Gairey, Tyjana Connolly