Cherry Galette

María Cristina Rangel/Cherry Galette is a dance artist, curator, and cultural organizer. As Co-Founder/Director of MangosWithChili (2006-16), she developed the work of over 150 QTPOC artists, launched 80+ productions via national tours and local seasons of programming, initiated dialogue around racism in arts funding and practice, and ushered in a new era of possibility for QTPOC centered arts and culture. At NPN she leads a strategy to sustain the organization’s operations and programs, working to ensure that the work of QTPOC artists is lifted up, recognized, and always possible.
Presentations from Facing Race 2014
Queer and Trans People of Color Art Saves Lives: Testimonies on Pasts, Presents, and Future
Collectively, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna Samarasinha, Cherry Galette, Luna Merbruja, and Nia King have been curating, performing, and documenting queer and trans people of color's art activism for over 30 years. In this informative and interactive session, the four will discuss the importance, challenges, and rewards of creating QTPOC history through touring, performing, and archiving queer and trans people of color's stories of resistance, love, and survival.
Speakers: Cherry Galette, Nia King, Luna Merbruja, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha