Facing Race: A National Conference in St. Louis, MO — November 20-22, 2024

Bo Chung

Senior Projects Analyst | Strategic Growth Council
Pronouns: he/him

Bo is the Senior Projects Analyst on SGC’s High Speed Rail (HSR) and Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) team. Bo’s unique position focuses on project implementation efforts in HSR station communities in areas of existing state investments and builds cross-agency and programmatic partnerships. Bo served previously on SGC’s Health and Equity Program team and brings a strong health and racial equity lens to this position. He believes that the High-Speed Rail is more than transportation infrastructure – it’s also a way to transform communities and people's lives by creating greater access to goods, services, and ideas.

Instagram: @botanque
LinkedIn: Profile

Presentations from Facing Race 2022

Grounded in Community: Implementing Racial Equity within California Climate and Infrastructure Programs

With massive investments in climate and infrastructure across varying scales, how can we meaningfully embed racial equity into grantmaking processes, outcomes, and implementation? This session spotlights three case studies and lessons learned from the California Strategic Growth Council (SGC), housed within the California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. Statewide grant programs featured include: the expansion of the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) program to include Disadvantaged Unincorporated Communities (DUCs) through mapping, data, and an Investment Framework; the integration of community planning and space activation with the High Speed Rail Authority in Fresno; and the development of the new Community Resilience Centers (CRC) program, funding both physical and social infrastructure for emergencies and year-round programming. Join to learn more about how the state of California approaches community-led program design, implementation, and evaluation.

Speakers: Bo Chung, Jerry Rivero, Lisa Hu