Andrea Manzo
Presentations from Facing Race 2016
Building an Inside/Outside Strategy: How to Advance Racial Equity in Governance beyond the City and Community Divide
As we do the work of deep institutional and structural change many of us exist in two distinct spaces, the inside and the outside. Some of us possess the decision making power to advance a racial equity agenda, but need external pressure and advocacy to push ideas to action. While others hold relationships and knowledge about what local residents need, but lack the mechanisms to move it forward. By coming together and understanding our unique roles we are able to magnify the power needed to dismantle historically rooted racial inequities. This workshop will discuss the critical characteristics of forwarding racial equity in governance through an "inside/outside strategy" by looking at community and governmental partnerships.. Key aspects will include identifying credible systems leaders, training up community residents and fostering intentional relationships to navigate levels of power and ensure commitment to a shared vision. We will outline how to strategically seize moments as catalytic opportunities for change, as well as highlight necessary infrastructure to bring about healing-informed racial equity. Using current examples from leading cities, participants will learn practical advice on how a racial equity and healing lens can build capacity, institute best practices and develop new relationships between government and community that best allow communities to share power and realize equitable outcomes and opportunities for all residents.
Speakers: Andrea Manzo, Benjamin Duncan