Ana Yáñez-Correa
Ana Yáñez-Correa was born in Mexico and immigrated to the United States at the age of 10, where she worked as a domestic worker with her mother until she entered college. She has earned a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration; she also holds a Ph.D. in Policy and Planning in Education Administration, focusing her dissertation on the school-to-prison pipeline. Since late 2005, Ana has been the Executive Director of TCJC, successfully fostering relationships among a wide range of coalition partners, criminal justice practitioners, law enforcement groups, civil rights organizations, and other community members, allowing TCJC to promote policies and practices that serve all facets of society. Among other things, these strategies include state-level sentencing reform, comprehensive drug treatment options, full investments in community supervision, and pre-booking diversion programs at the county level, all of which seek to effectively, humanely decrease the state's over-reliance on incarceration.
Presentations from Facing Race 2014
Marijuana, Racism, and the Future of Reform
In 2010, there were over 1.6 million drug-related arrests in the U.S. – nearly half of which were for marijuana possession alone, making marijuana a primary focus of drug-related law enforcement activities. Blacks and Latinos are arrested at much higher rates than whites in every region, even though whites, Blacks and Latinos use marijuana at similar rates. There is now growing momentum for reform, particularly in the U.S. South, but how can marijuana policy reform address the legacies of racism and social control central to the war on drugs? Panelists will discuss the current state of reform, outline proposals to incorporate racial justice into reform efforts and identify opportunities for promoting racial equity and effective drug policies.
Speakers: gabriel sayegh, Deon Haywood, Ana Yáñez-Correa, Kenneth Glasgow