From the vibes brought to us by DJ Femi, DJ KayKay47 and DJ Sizzle Fantastic, ASL accessibility provided by Joyful Signing, the keynote speech from Rev. Dr. William Barber II, the BIPOC businesses from our Expo Hall and more, we hope you enjoyed this momentous occasion.
We are looking forward to providing registered attendees with some extended access to the Facing Race 2020 conference experience. Stay tuned to your email inbox for on demand viewing instructions for breakout sessions. This video footage is being prepared and will be available in the near future.
In the meantime, take advantage of this content from the conference:
- Stream films from race Flicks using Password: RFtwenty20
- Grab our Facing Race “swag bag”
- Access wellness sessions from Acorn Center for Restoration and Freedom + The Well,™ available for 30 days after the conference using the password: facingrace2020
You can also check out the Facing Race 2020 YouTube Playlist to stream selected video clips from the conference including:
- The Other CEO: Chief Equity Officers in Local Government
- Place, Personal, Political: Blackness on the Map and the Mind
- Welcome to Raleigh (our virtual host-city for 2020)
Thank you to all of our participants who shared their experiences virtually. We loved seeing your posts on social media. There’s still time to share about your Facing Race experience! Check out our Facing Race 2020 social media page! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #BannedWords to tell your story of how you use these words like “intersectionality”, “unconscious bias,” and “systemic racism” to fight racism! Tag @Transition46 to tell the incoming Biden Administration to issue a new Executive Order that ends the #BannedWords and centers racial justice for all.
Lastly, Facing Race wouldn’t be possible without the support of our sponsors and community. We invite you to be in company with these changemakers and contribute to our transformative work. We’d also love to hear your feedback to let us know what your experience was like and how we can better improve for future Facing Race conferences.
And speaking of the future – 2021 is around the corner and we’re planning a youth version of Facing Race. If you are interested in working with us on Facing Race Youth 2021 please send us an Email at [email protected]!
Thank you to everyone who made this event possible and joined us for this year's virtual conference. We hope that you’ve learned enough to take back to your communities and institutions to push the needle forward on racial justice! Onward + Upward!
With warmth and gratitude,
The Facing Race Team