Carlton Eley

Carlton Eley is Senior Director for Federal Strategies for Race Forward. He joined Race Forward following a long career of encouraging planning and policy solutions that are responsive to the needs of underserved communities and vulnerable populations. Carlton was the first urban planner hired by the Office of Environmental Justice at U.S. EPA. From 2015 to 2019, Carlton completed multiple projects that served to re-energize the American Planning Association’s focus on advancing equity, including chairing the Social Equity Task Force. Carlton was the 2021 Sojourner Truth Fellow for Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan.
Presentations from Facing Race 2022
Lessons from Informal Equity Officers at the Federal Level
Advancing racial equity is the unfinished business of public administration. In 2021, President Biden ushered in a historic shift by signing an Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government. The milestone is part of our nation’s long journey to becoming a more equitable society.
Some federal civil servants started the journey of advancing equity prior to the start of the Biden Administration. As trailblazers, they did not wait until the time was right. Instead, they boldly pushed until the time was right while understanding the importance of remaining persistent.
This session features leaders who were ‘spark-plugs’ for equity as federal civil servants. Because equity is a choice before it becomes an act, discussants will clarify what drives their priorities and values. Experts will explain equity requires breaking out of the siloes that stifle individuals and organizations from advancing creative solutions.
The session is an opportunity for learning among peers that transcends level of government. Attendees will learn stewardship of the common good requires encouraging equity as well. Attendees will learn what discussants gained by changing how they managed projects that were under their purview. Attendees will be reminded significant racial equity progress in government can be achieved even in the absence of a federal mandate.
Speakers: Carlton Eley, Cynthia Peurifoy, Terrence Keleher