Sana Qutubuddin

Sana Qutubuddin is a United Nations Development Program consultant on emergency education relief and has served as a consultant in various UNDP programs over the last 10 years. She is the National Advocacy Executive for the Indian American Muslim Council.
Presentations from Facing Race 2020
Hindu Fascism: An All-American Threat
Hindu fascism did not begin with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This philosophy has been incubating in India and United States for decades. In this breakout, we will outline the history of Hindu fascism in both countries. This workshop will focus on the link between anti-Blackness and Hindu fascism and its role in advancing a white supremacy agenda in America. We’ll discuss not only the dangers of this ideology, but how we can fight its spread.
Participants will have the opportunity to share their knowledge of Hindu supremacy and evaluate its rise in America. We will explore what we can do to ensure that our organizing work is decoupled from Hindu supremacy, and how to pull Americans of Indian descent into the conversation. We'll build shared language and tools through an anti-caste, anti-supremacy lens.
Speakers: Sameena Mustafa, Arti Walker-Peddakotla, Sana Qutubuddin