Gerald Lenoir
Presentations from Facing Race 2020
Building a Regional Narrative Infrastructure for Transformative Change: A Case Study
This is the presentation and discussion of a case study of the partnership between the Othering and Belonging Institute (OBI) and Inland Empowerment, a civic engagement table in California’s Inland Empire region. The partners sought to understand the regional drivers of inequality and construct a strategic narrative to counter the dominant narrative. The session’s focus is on: 1) the collaboration to understand the implications of an OBI California-wide survey; 2) the partnership in the design and conduct of research in the region; 3) the current plan to create an infrastructure across communities and issues that share the strategic narrative.
The session is the presentation and discussion of a case study of the partnership between the Othering and Belonging Institute, a research institute and Inland Empowerment, a civic engagement table of a dozen organizations in the Inland Empire region of California engaged in base building and civic engagement. The partners sought to understand the drivers of inequality in the region and to construct a strategic narrative to counter the dominant narrative in the region. The focus of the session is on: 1) the collaboration to understand the implications of an OBI California-wide survey; 2) the partnership in the design of a qualitative and quantitative research agenda, the conduct of the qualitative research, and the meaning-making of the research results; 3) the current plan to create an infrastructure across racial and ethnic communities and across issues that share the common strategic narrative that seeks to influence identities and worldviews. This is in the form of an Inland Empowerment Narrative Hub to implement the findings of the research, including narrative tools and messaging.
The session is based upon the work of the Blueprint for Belonging (B4B) Project, a California-wide project which was initiated by the Othering and Belonging Institute, UC Berkeley with partner organizations, including CHIRLA, California Calls, PICO California, ACCE and over 25 other organizations, that has engaged in a five-year process to develop and deploy a progressive strategic narrative capable of contending with the dominant narrative and its underlying worldview.
Presentations from Facing Race 2018
Flipping the Script: Developing and Deploying a Strategic Narrative for Transformative Change
The session is an interactive workshop on: 1) deconstructing the dominant societal narrative on race, individualism, the role of government and the role of the market; 2) constructing a progressive strategic narrative that centers racial justice, challenges structural racism and white supremacy, promotes government responsibility for the needs of all people and fosters the development of shared identities and inclusion; 3) creating an infrastructure across racial and ethnic communities and across issue areas that share the common strategic narrative that seeks to influence identities and worldviews.
The session is based upon the work of the Blueprint for Belonging (B4B) Project, a California-wide project which was initiated by the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, UC Berkeley with partner organizations, including Mobilize the Immigrant Vote, CHIRLA, California Calls, PICO California, SEIU California, ACCE and over 20 other organizations, and has engaged in a three-year process to develop and deploy a progressive strategic narrative capable of contending with the dominant narrative and its underlying worldview.
Speakers: Gerald Lenoir, Olivia AraizaThe Circle
After the police kill four unarmed Latino men in four months, how will a community heal itself? The Circle is the story of a rural community in East Salinas that made history by using ancient wisdom & culture to break a cycle of implicit bias by the police. Follows a former gang member and a police chief who confront each other for answers.
Featuring post-screening Q&A with filmmaker Cheo Tyehimba Taylor, Political Research Associates’ Cloee Cooper, and the HAAS Institute’s Gerald Lenoir.
Speakers: Cheo Tyehimba Taylor, Vincent Cortez, Cloee Cooper, Gerald LenoirPresentations from Facing Race 2016
Blueprint for Belonging: Developing a Strategic Narrative to Combat Structural Racism
This workshop focuses on how base-building groups, policy advocates, labor organizations and organizations can advance a strategic analysis of structural inequality, strategic racism and dog whistle politics, and the subversion of U.S. democracy and the role of government within it by corporate elites into a strategic narrative that aligns social justice work across issues, communities and identities; and a social justice infrastructure. The strategic narrative aims to dismantle structural racism, challenge unconscious bias, and support inclusive, responsive government, which currently serves corporate and political elites, so that it benefit all communities, especially communities of color.
Speakers: Stephen Menendian, Gerald Lenoir