Facing Race: A National Conference in St. Louis, MO — November 20-22, 2024

Racial Equity Plans: How to Develop Action Plans that Drive Systemic Change

You are viewing content from Facing Race 2016.
Friday, 11/11
10:45 am to 12:15 pm

A vision without a plan is not going to change much. Development of Racial Equity Plans provide a critical opportunity to move from talk to action, and are a mechanism for transparency and clarity about concrete actions. A new resource guide called “Moving from Talk to Action” Development and Implementation of a Racial Equity Action Plan” by the Government Alliance on Race and Equity will be shared. This workshop will feature Simran Noor, Vice President of Programs and Policy at the Center for Social Inclusion, and Ryan Cureen, Racial Equity Analyst with the City of Portland’s Office of Equity and Human Rights.
