Margaret Duan

Presentations from Facing Race 2024
Over, Under, Around and Through: The Many Ways to Advance Racial Equity in the Face of Legal Attacks
Since 2021, there have been a deluge of executive actions, legislation, court challenges, and other direct attacks on equity writ large with a special emphasis on racial equity via anti-CRT and DEI laws. Almost every state in the nation has at least seen a bill introduced. Most of these hostile statutes are more rhetorical than relevant and do not preclude real-world racial equity programs.
Similarly, even negative Court rulings have made clear that the vast majority of race-informed institutional strategies are legally sound. Yet, these legal attacks have had their intended effects, with political pressure and threats creating significant obstacles for racial equity work in many jurisdictions
During this breakout session, participants will hear from legal experts who are supporting racial equity practitioners in government. You will learn what initiatives and efforts these laws do and do not impact from a legal perspective, how to engage your general counsel, and what resources are available in the field to navigate this complicated landscape.
Participants in this breakout session will hear and walk through real-world examples of legal messaging, strategy, and interventions to protect and sustain racial equity work in government.
Speakers: Margaret Duan, Dariely Rodriguez