Facing Race: A National Conference in St. Louis, MO — November 20-22, 2024

Mama Lila Cabbil

President Emeritus | Rosa Parks Institute
Mama Lila works for the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute and has been a fighter for justice for more than 7 decades. Most recently, she has been a Water Warrior fighting for equity and justice for all Michiganers. She is a trainer with The People's Institute and a member of the Within Our Lifetime National Leadership Council.

Presentations from Facing Race 2018

Movement Mic Check: Rapid Response to Racial Disasters, A GamePlan

Within Our Lifetime is a national network of more than 125 organizations focused on Creating a sense of movement, Building the field, Connecting the dots, Sharing and deepening knowledge, and Bringing the heat and power - and of course, ending racism within our lifetime. Over the past 3 years, we have interviewed frontline organizers who have navigated racial disasters in 10 key cities in the US. We paired their findings with high-level movement theory and applied the results to our work in Charlottesville (summer 2017). The resulting best practices were released in a report in March 2018, and have been iterated for the past 9 months by our Community of Practice - this workshop is the result.

We offer specific and concrete tools for local organizers who are preparing their city in advance of or directly responding to a racial disaster. This workshop has resources for national organizers and organizations who are interested in supporting local or regional folks responding to crises of racialized violence. There will also be space for funders and major donors to engage in conversation around best practices that have emerged. While it is not necessary to have read the report or visited the website MovementMicCheck.org, we will move quickly through the basic concepts in order to arrive at the most relevant recent learning. Expect to leave with tools in your pocket, new comrades, and many more questions.

Speakers: Mama Lila Cabbil, Chris Messinger