JaNae Bates

Minister JaNaé Bates is the co- director for ISAIAH – a multi-racial, multi-faith, state-wide, nonpartisan coalition of faith communities dedicated to building a multiracial democracy by moving collectively and powerfully for racial and economic equity in the state of Minnesota. JaNaé specializes in integrating grassroots faith-based organizing and narrative strategy. She has over a decade of academic and professional experience in ministry, social justice, and communications. She is also an associate minister at Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church in St. Paul, MN.
Presentations from Facing Race 2024
Demilitarizing and Democratizing Transportation
Imagine a future where race and car access do not define where you can go. Discuss how inadequate funding, biased planning, racist violence and economic barriers restrict people of color’s movement in the US. Examine historic and contemporary examples. Learn the best approaches for lifting barriers and redirecting resources. Discuss the relationship of transit operations funding to freedom of movement. Separate myth and reality of transit safety and learn about fresh approaches to transportation safety. Help shape movement-building ideas and strategies to make more conscious and consistent connections between racial freedom and mobility.
Speakers: LeeAnn Hall, Kim Smith, JaNae Bates