Charlene Sinclair

Dr. Charlene Sinclair is an organizer, thinker, and writer whose work centers on the intersection of race, economic justice and democracy. Charlene serves as a consultant, trainer, and adviser to leading social change organizations and individual prophetic leaders. Strongly influenced by the pathbreaking thought of the late James Cone, Dr. Sinclair helps to fashion strategies that embrace a liberationist approach to faith and spirituality in the context of popular struggles for racial and economic justice.
Presentations from Facing Race 2022
What’s Next (Race Forward Direction)
This panel will look at the evolution of the racial justice movement with a focus on current trends. The objective is to understand how the racial justice movement is evolving, what new frameworks and analyses are being posited, and what promising practices and bright spots are informing the work of Race Forward moving forward.
Speakers: Glenn Harris, Charlene Sinclair, Eric Ward, Julie Nelson, Faron McLurkin, Kerry Mitchell Brown