Call for Submissions
Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation is excited to announce a unique call for submissions for visual artists to have their work featured in a temporary exhibition at the Facing Race: A National Conference. Facing Race is the largest multiracial, inter-generational and unique collaborative gathering space for racial justice movement making, organizers, educators, creatives and other leaders. Facing Race 2016 will be held in Atlanta, Georgia on November 10-12th, 2016.
Art activism has been known to give life to movements by using radical aesthetics to make visible the voices of often-silenced communities of color. Race Forward is committed to providing a space for intersectional work and training by broadening the recognition of artists’ important contributions to the fight for racial justice.
“… the thought pictures create in our minds are the way that we can kind of slip through the back door of our rational thought and see the world differently”
~ Frederick Douglass
Race Forward is pleased to partner with Murmur, organizer of Atlanta Zine Fest, to curate this year's art selection. Murmur, a DIY ephemeral media organization located in Atlanta’s south downtown arts district, provides spaces, tools, and educational resources with the specific intention of facilitating each individual’s involvement in creative DIY mediums.
The Facing Race & Murmur team will work with selected visual artists to create a dynamic temporary exhibition at Facing Race. This will include participation by selecting visual artists and providing opportunities for audiences to learn how art can be used to incite change in their communities.
Visual artists are welcome to submit three works for consideration to be featured at this year’s Facing Race National Conference Art Exhibition.
An internal Arts & Cultural Committee appointed by Race Forward will select 4 visual artists to be featured. The deadline for applications is September 8th, 2016. Selections will be made on a rolling basis and artists will be notified by September 26th 2016.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Artists may respond with the media that is aligned with the vision of uplifting or representing marginalized voices of color, highlighting racial justice (or the lack thereof), and/or promoting equity. This includes print, painting, photography, drawing, sculpture, watercolor, graphics, architecture, or found object etc.
Priority will be given to strong visual works that are:
- Timely, reflecting on recent race moments and ruptures on the United States.
- Produced by emerging visual artists of color.
- Produced by visual artist based in the Atlanta, GA and Southeast.
Featured artists will receive:
- A conference registration scholarship in their name
- Travel stipend
- Shipping stipend for artwork
- Installation stipend for artwork
*** Please note that at previous Facing Race Conferences independent curators and buyers have commissioned some artists whose work was on view in our past exhibition space. ***
Do not submit more than three works to be considered. Please email Tash Nikol at [email protected] with any questions.